We welcome you to Falkirk Martial Arts Academy.
Our doors are open to everyone, of all ages and abilities. This club is for the Students so I encourage everyone to speak to me if they have any comments or ideas.
Please observe our club rules, train hard and respect others.
Once more, welcome and I hope you enjoy your training at Falkirk Martial Arts Academy.

1) The Instructor will be addressed as Sensei at all times.
2) Swearing or spitting is not allowed in the Dojo.
3) Students must inform the Sensei when leaving the mat during training times.
4) Misconduct or bad behaviour will incur a warning. If a Student receives 3 warnings they may be asked to leave the club.
5) Students will have at least 80% attendance to grade. (90% attendance and seminar attendance for Black belt).
6) Students may only wear a white Gi and this should be clean at all times.
7) Only Instructors 3rd Dan and above may wear a split coloured Gi.
8) All jewellery must be removed at the beginning of each training session.
9) All finger and toe nails must be kept clean and short.
The rules are there to help maintain and raise our standards and they are for everyone's benefit.
Martial Arts take loyalty, dedication, patience and hard work. If you can not give these think carefully before joining.
Please remember that my lessons start outside the club. i.e. entering the Dojo in the right frame of mind to train.
Most of all, a Student must show respect to others at all times.